Tuesday, February 23, 2010

25th Anniversary

A couple weeks ago, we had a great party for an anniversary party!  It was a blast, and the guests in attendance seemed to have a fantastic time.  This was the weekend right after the entire country was engulfed in snow and ice, but there were still people who came from all over the place to help celebrate such a momentous occasion.  I'm talking Chicago, Buffalo, NYC, and even the Caribbean.  The couple was absolutely wonderful, and it was so nice to see such an amazing accomplishment.  Unfortunately, I did not get very many pictures, and the ones I did get are courtesy of the iPhone so I apologize for the quality.




They brought in a caterer from Oklahoma City that cooked appetizers and a full Indian meal on site.  This was such a great party, and we were so pleased to be a part of it!

Catching A Wave

Last Thursday and Friday, we had the pleasure to host United Regional for a two-day conference.  The team in charge always themes these events, and this one was a Cruise Line.  They did a great job of making it festive and fun, which is quite an accomplishment for a two-day meeting.  They had breakfast and lunch both days on site, Monarch and Branding Iron did a fantastic job for us.  It was quite the way to conclude the week!


A huge thank to Shana Vordenbaum for helping us with the centerpiece for the Foyer table!  No goldfish were harmed, well almost none.


Audiovisual-wise, we had a lot going on with two screens and projectors, microphone, DVD player, an Ipod, and music for intermissions and lunch.  They had some really great guys in charge of the technology side, and I am so happy that they were happy!


This pink flamingo and palm tree added a little pizzazz to the Drink Station.

The drink service was set up in the Women's Boardroom using a three sided set-up.  This worked wonderful because we had coffee in the center, soft drinks on one side, and bottled water on the other.


Thanks again for everything guys!  Hope to see you back soon!